
Hi! Welcome to thejuicerguide.com

I’m Christina Kramer, and this is my site. Thanks for stopping by! I’m a full-time nutritionist and a mom of three. I typically work from my home office in Illinois, but I consider the internet to be my home!

This site is dedicated to everything you could wish to know about juicers and juicing, and all the content is written by me.

Why should you trust me? Well, for a start, juicing is a pivotal part of my personal and professional life.

I graduated from Florida State University with a degree in Food and Nutrition Science in 2009, and I’ve been helping people realize their health dreams ever since.

Juicing has become a genuine passion of mine over the years, for a number of reasons. Firstly, I discovered that it’s a lot tougher to convince kids to eat healthily!

My little ones started to become fussy eaters as time went on, and it was exhausting finding ways to get fresh fruit and vegetables into them.

Juicing changed everything. I started with freshly squeezing orange juice in the mornings, and now they’re enjoying more and more healthy ingredients.

These days, I have them consuming all manner of superfoods, and they’re looking and feeling better than ever. More to the point, so are my husband and me!

This has made juicing a real passion. I understand how many options are open through juicing, and many of the juicers that I use – yes, I’ll confess, I have a collection! – offer more variety.

For me, a juicer is an essential kitchen component that’s even more important than a food processor, microwave, or toaster.

This passion for juicing means that I have also developed plenty of knowledge around the subject – information that I’m thrilled to share here at thejuicerguide.com.

I’m keen to dispel the dangerous and misleading rumors and misinformation that surround juicing, ensuring that everybody knows how to enjoy fresh, healthy ingredients as part of a safe and healthy lifestyle. Just
some of what you’ll find on this site includes…

  • Reviews of the latest and greatest models of juicer, ensuring that you’ll know exactly which model and appliance best suits your needs.
  • How-to guides and discussions surrounding juicers, including instructions on the most efficient cleaning techniques and additional uses.
  • Juicing recipes and suggestions to keep your juicing diet interesting and appealing, and advice on the best possible ingredients.

Thanks again for visiting thejuicerguide.com. I’m thrilled to have you here, and I hope you enjoy your stay. If you have any questions that you can’t find an answer to, feel free to reach out. In the meantime, have fun and happy juicing!